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Rain Garden

Plans for the Rain Garden emerged when the Taylor Road parking lot was renovated and paved for better accessibility. The Rain Garden was built adjacent to the parking lot to filter runoff from the pavement as it recharges the groundwater, complying with regulations set by the Wetlands Protection Act. The pavement is pitched so that water will run into the Rain Garden, or bioretention basin. Rain Gardens are generally 3-4 feet deep and are layered with earth materials such as sand, gravel, loam, and wood chips; as the water passes through these substrates of varying grain size, it is filtered of contaminants. The plants in this area were selected for their ability to remove pollutants from the water as well and include corkscrew rush, fothergilla, curly willow, red twig dogwood, and winterberry, among others. A stepping stone bridge invites visitors from the parking lot to the information kiosk and main lawn.