Donate to the Acton Arboretum
Donations to benefit the Acton Arboretum, a public conservation land, are tax-deductible to the extent of the law. The Friends of the Acton Arboretum, Inc. (a 501 (C)3 non profit organization) will send a letter to donors thanking them for their gift. (Massachusetts Department of Revenue Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 04-3140064.)
If you would like to give a general donation of any monetary amount, click this button:
You can also mail a check to The Friends of the Acton Arboretum, P.O. Box 2607, Acton, MA 01720. 100% of all general donations go towards the care of the Arboretum, enhancing and maintaining the conservation land for all to enjoy.
Other types of donations:
- In honor/memory of someone. These donations can be in monetary or go towards the purchase of a specific kind of tree or shrub. We work with you to select the right plant for the right location within your budget.
- Plants for a specific garden/area of the Arboretum.
- A person or group designates money to help pay for a specific project underway, such as a boardwalk, bridge, or trail. Often, the Friends are actively fundraising because some projects have expensive features.
- The Arboretum plantings committee often has a “wishlist” of trees and shrubs we intend for different gardens/areas of the Arboretum. Donors may contribute toward the purchase of a tree or shrub we intend to plant in the near future.
- An estate or a trust wishes to create an endowment fund that will be held separately to benefit the Arboretum in the future in a particular way.
Though we do not put plaques and labels with people’s names on them around the Arboretum, people who give trees, benches, boardwalks, etc. come back to visit the site again and again. It becomes their special place that they return to for contemplation.
If you have any additional questions or wish to discuss a donation, please email the Arboretum’s Land Steward, Bettina Abe bettinaabe@actonma.gov
Thank you!