The Acton Arboretum walkways are considered woodland trails. There are imperfections in the surface materials. Please use caution at all times.
Trails are not plowed during winter. Stone dust must thaw in spring. Trail conditions are not guaranteed to be accessible. Please call Natural Resources at 978-929-6634 or email nr@acton-ma.gov to inquire about conditions before visiting.
Entrances & Parking*
Taylor Road, Main Entrance: wide, one-way, paved, flow-through driveway, with one-way exit. Please drive slowly and watch for children and pets. Parking: 22 parking spots on paved, level asphalt. Two (2) designated parking spots. Accessible sidewalk and pedestrian bridge with walkway leading to kiosk and accessible picnic table.
Minot Avenue, Bog Entrance: paved, ADA sidewalk entrance on Minot Ave. @ Forest Road. Sidewalk leads directly to entrance of 271’ ADA bog boardwalk with observation area and bench, and a wheelchair turn-around at end of the boardwalk. Boardwalk has toe-bumpers and/or handrails. Parking: No on-site parking at bog entrance. Public parking at nearby Conant Elementary School with paved walkway and crosswalk leading to the Minot Ave. bog entrance. Approximate distance from Conant School parking to bog entrance: 0.22 mi.
Wood Lane: entrance not universally accessible. Limited parking for visitors at end of dead-end street. Entrance is almost level, natural ground with some roots and rocks. Informational kiosk with map. Trail leads to bog or meadow on inaccessible Highland Bog Loop.
Main Street: pedestrian entrance on the corner of Main Street and Taylor Road is paved sidewalk next to carved mahogany ACTON ARBORETUM sign. No parking/drop-off available at this entrance.
*During peak times, we recommend dropping visitors at main entrance and seeking parking off-site. Parking available at Acton Town Hall, Memorial Library or behind Central Fire Station, approx 0.3 mi. away.
Trail Information
Spring trail conditions may be mushy. Please call Natural Resources 978-929-6634 or email nr@acton-ma.gov to inquire about conditions before visiting. There are 2 accessible trails at the Arboretum: The Orchard Loop and the Wildflower Loop are accessible with minor obstacles. NOTE: Trails not maintained in winter. Heavy rain affects accessibility.
- Orchard Loop Trail: Length: 0.25 mile
Description: Trail encircles upper lawn and orchard. Proceed clockwise from main entrance gate passing grape arbor, butterfly garden, tool shed, apple trees. Keep bearing right along the trail until you intersect the paved trail, which leads back to main entrance gate.
Surfaces: Hard-packed stone dust, partially lined with granite cobbles; paved asphalt; hard-packed natural ground.
Width: 3’ minimum, 5’ max.
Cross slope: 0%
Grade: 5%
Considerations: Compacted gravel path is 224′ long and would be bumpy in a wheelchair. Occasional 1” pebbles; asphalt may have root bumps or cracks.
The Orchard Loop has 3 interconnected mini-trails of 100′ or less:
Hosta Garden (paved) with wooden bridge.
Grape Arbor (packed stone dust)
Herb Garden (brick)
- Wildflower Loop Trail: Length: 0.5 mile
Description: Trail encircles 20 acres of maintained grounds past several ponds, gardens, through forest and wetlands. Proceed counter clockwise from main entrance gate down the paved asphalt trail past stone reading circle on left, pond on right. Left turn option around Rhododendron Garden. The China Trail Garden (between the Fragrance and Rhododendron Garden) has ADA wooden boardwalks. Connection from China Trail to stone dust trail currently grassy; improvements are planned for summer 2021.
Surfaces: Hard-packed stone dust partially-lined with granite cobbles; two wooden boardwalks with handrails; paved asphalt; hard-packed natural ground.
Width: 3’-5’
Cross Slope: 0%
Grade: 5-10% (see below)
Considerations: Occasional 1” pebbles; asphalt may have heaves or cracks; asphalt exceeds 10% pitch for 20’. Tripping Hazard: For approximately 75’ of the trail between the wildflower boardwalk and the fern boardwalk there are two tree roots that are 2” high and four (avoidable) rocks that stick up 3”; the grade is 10% for 75’.
- Highland Bog Loop Trail: Length: 1.5 mile
Description: Trail encircles 20 acres of maintained grounds past several ponds, gardens, through forest and wetlands and proceeds to higher elevation through woodlands and a meadow, to the east through the “Back 40 acres” of the Arboretum and through the quaking bog to the south off Minot Avenue.
Surfaces: Hard-packed stone dust; two ADA-compliant boardwalks with handrails; paved asphalt; hard-packed natural ground. The “Back 40” has many stumbling hazards of roots and rocks. The 271’ bog boardwalk is ADA compliant, has fiberglass decking, toe rails and/or handrails.
Width: 3’-5’
Cross Slope: 0%
Grade: Elevation gain or loss of 43’.
Considerations: Roots, rocks, two steep slopes with roots and rocks. Two boardwalks, one which is wooden and can be slippery.
- Rhododendron Trail: Length: 440’
Description: Blue trail spur off paved Wildflower Loop trail. Entrance opposite Sun Pond, 300’ from main entrance down paved trail.
Surface: Packed stone dust.
Width: 3’
Cross slope: 0-5%
Grade: 5% with a 10% grade for 75’.
Considerations: Part of the trail has some larger pebbles mixed in with the stone dust.
- Fragrance Loop: Length: 265’
Description: Spur off the Wildflower Loop Trail between the twin ponds and the Orchard Loop. Fragrance Garden has a wall of lilacs, a low stone wall with many scented flowers; a touch-and-smell garden; two curved benches next to the trail. Connects with new China Trail Garden.
Surface: Packed, mossy stone dust.
Width: 4’
Cross Slope: 0%
Grade: 5%
Considerations: Visitors with visual impairments are encouraged to touch and smell many plants!
Other Accessibility Features
Trails are blazed with painted rectangles on trees. Blazes are yellow, blue or red according Acton conservation land trail standards: yellow denotes the main loop, red the access from parking, and blue interconnecting trails. Occasional carved arrows and signs direct hikers along the trail. Entrance kiosk with map shows points of interest, trail colors, and scale. Bog has colored educational panel.
Guided tours available. Topics can be birds, horticulture, habitats, environmental protection, gardening, forestry, etc. Please call Natural Resources 978-929-6634 or email nr@acton-ma.gov to request a custom tour or program.
There is a ADA portable toilet on site from May – November. Please note that no toilet facilities are available in winter months.
There are wooden benches installed every 200’ along the Wildflower Loop trail, adjacent to packed stone dust surface.
A hexagonal ADA picnic table is located on a paved pad next to the information kiosk at the main entrance. Additionally, there are 6 picnic tables dispersed around the upper lawn area with extended tops to allow for wheelchair use. Accessed buy the Orchard Loop, this area is generally level.
The upper grounds of the Orchard Loop are grassy and mostly level. The trail abuts the lawn area. A stone reading circle is located 20’ from the paved trail. Several ponds may be viewed from the trails.
The Wildflower loop trail passes over two 100’+ long wooden boardwalks. There is a 20′ long wooden bridge near the hosta garden, and a 10′ long wooden bridge near the sun pond. The arched bridge at the China Trail Garden is 12′ long. All have railings at 18″ and 36″ high and <5% slope. The slightly arched pedestrian bridge at the Taylor Road parking lot entrance is 16′ long; it does not have railings, but does have toe bumpers and connects to the ADA walkway around the kiosk.
Fragrant or textured plant species for this garden were specifically selected for the enjoyment of visually impaired visitors. A low stone wall is wheelchair accessible. Two curved benches are situated adjacent to the trail.
There is no potable water available at the Arboretum. Please bring your own water.
Please contact Natural Resources for assistance planning your visit!
Phone: 978-929-6634
Email: nr@acton-ma.gov