The Acton Arboretum is located in the heart of Acton Center.
The main entrance to the Arboretum and its parking area is located on the east side of Taylor Road, 0.75 mi north of the lights at Route 2 and Taylor Road. It is a very short distance south from the intersection of Taylor Road and Main Street (Route 27).
The entrance is marked with a large wooden sign. A large map of the property is posted in the kiosk at the Taylor Road entrance, or download your own here and here. The kiosk also has information about the Arboretum and the Friends of the Acton Arboretum.
The Arboretum is open from dawn to dusk, and there is no admission fee.
There are three walking entrances to the Arboretum. Two are within a short walk from the Acton Town Hall and Memorial Library. One at the corner of Main Street (Route 27) and Taylor Road is marked by a carved wooden Acton Arboretum sign on granite posts. The other at the end of Wood Lane is marked by a small kiosk. Wood Lane bears off of Concord Road at the fire station. There is very limited parking at the Wood Lane entrance. Another entrance, the farthest one from the Town Hall, is found on the north side of Minot Avenue at Forest Road where it enters the Arboretum at its lowest point, the peat bog. Look for the carved granite marker.
From Route 128/95
Take Route 2 West from Route 128/95 (Exit 29B) and continue 6.8 miles to the Concord Prison Rotary. Stay on Route 2 west through the rotary and continue another 0.6 miles to the lights at the intersection of Route 2 and Taylor Road. Turn right here and take Taylor Road about 0.75 miles to the Arboretum entrance on the right. Look for the sign. Please note that the entrance/exit are one-way.
From Route 2A (Great Road) and Route 27 (Main Street in Acton)
Drive south on Route 27 to Taylor Road, on the left approximately a block from the Acton Town Hall. Along the way, you will pass Brook Street, the entrance to the U.S. Post Office, Nagog Hill Road, Woodbury Lane, and Newtown/Concord Road before you reach Taylor Road.
For your GPS
Put in 2 Taylor Road, Acton, MA 01720.